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Alternative Therapies for Acne

Why do some people consider alternatives to drugs for acne?

Many people have experienced or are concerned about the side effects of drugs and prefer natural therapies for treating acne.

How can acne be prevented?

There is some hereditary component to acne so it may not be completely preventable.  However, there are known causes of acne present in our food and water supplies that should be avoided to prevent more severe forms of acne from developing.

Avoiding bromine or bromides in bleached flour and all flour products and soft drinks is important especially if acne is already present since bromide acne is a well-recognized entity.  Chlorinated or fluoridated water may also be aggravating factors so water should be treated with reverse osmosis before consuming.

Another well-recognized cause of acne is due to oils or greases applied to the skin as in restaurant workers or pomade acne (see glossary).

Steroids taken by athletes are other causes of acne.

What are alternative treatments for acne?

There have been studies showing improvement in acne while taking the following vitamins and minerals:
Vitamin A                5000 units
Vitamn E                   200 units
Vitamin B-6                50 mg
Pantothenic Acid       500 mg
OptiZinc                     50 mg
Selenomethionine       200 mcg
Chromate                  200 mcg
Iodine as Iodoral         4 tablets
The herb, Barberry     500 mg

Along with these supplements, the diet should include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and meat, chicken or fish.  Drinking clean water should replace coffee, tea, sodas and fruit juices. Avoidance of fast foods and junk foods such as pizza, chips, sugary foods is very important.  

The liver and large intestine are our main detoxifying organs.  Occasionally they may become overwhelmed by junk food and stress, and then the skin may become an eliminating organ as in acne.  For this reason, colon hydrotherapy 2-3 times per week for a month or more is a gentle detoxifying therapy that may lead to improved complexion. 
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